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Topic: New Opportunity
Posts: 1

Reputation: 0
New Opportunity
on: September 26, 2014, 06:30

I've been getting calls from recruiters lately while at work. The opportunities all seem better than my current role, where I have been for more than 6 years. Work is incredibly tense right now, and the thought of going through the job search process is a bit overwhelming. Any recommendations on what I should do?

Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

Reputation: 0
Re: New Opportunity
on: September 26, 2014, 10:31

Hi Rebecca, You are in a really good position. I would definitely listen to what the recruiters have to say. It is up to each of us to be the CEO of our career and this means remaining open to all options no matter how difficult doing so may be.

When recruiters call you, you are in the driver's seat. This means that your ability to negotiate is at its highest. List the Pros and Cons of accepting a new position. Understand all of the trade-offs and then negotiate a deal like an expert agent would do for an all-star player. Do not fear change. Understand that change is constant, and how your current role at the current company is not exempt from being disrupted at any time. The business world and life are both very similar that way.

Be discrete and handle all calls from the recruiter on your free time, outside of the office. During a lunch break is probably an ideal time. If you get an offer, make sure it is something you are extremely happy with as I DO NOT recommended accepting a counter offer from your current employer … but that's another story. Good Luck!

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