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Topic: Is your boss making you sick?
Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

Reputation: 0
Is your boss making you sick?
on: November 18, 2014, 17:19

Research has linked having a lousy boss to an increased risk of heart attack.

One key study published in 2009 in Occupational & Environmental Medicine analyzed data on 3,122 men to see whether the leadership qualities of their managers were associated with a risk for fatal or nonfatal heart attack, angina and death due to heart disease. Men who rated their managers as good (essentially meaning considerate, and providing information, feedback and sufficient control to employees) had at least a 20 percent lower risk of developing heart disease over a 10-year period than those who rated their managers as poor on such attributes.

Do you work for a tyrant? Share your story here to receive sound advice …

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