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Topic: Dealing with an irrational boss
Posts: 1

Reputation: 0
Dealing with an irrational boss
on: September 25, 2014, 12:15

I've been in this position for just over a year and find it very difficult to deal with my boss. She is a terrible leader and never listens to what I have to say. Also, she is never in the office and sends emails and requests during all hours of the evening. I am fed up with her and very close to quitting my job. Any advice on what I should do?

Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

Reputation: 0
Re: Dealing with an irrational boss
on: September 25, 2014, 17:08

Hi David, Thanks for the post.

Rule #1 – Never quit your job unless you have another one to step into. In this job market it would be crazy to do so, as it could take upwards of a year to get another job.

I can definitely appreciate your frustration most people quit bosses and not companies. However, no matter how bad it gets do not share your negative comments with colleagues. Bad mouthing your boss will come back to haunt you, as no other hiring manager in the company would want you. The best thing that you could do is to stay focused on your job and performing the best that you can. Talk to your boss in one-to-one meetings in a most positive and constructive way. Be concerned and prepared. Ask what you could be doing better to help her, and find out whether or not you are meeting her expectations. There should not be any gaps. Get a clear picture of all expectations and where you rank. Every boss (even the stressed out ones) loves a great performer, so focus on being one. Be sure to have a follow-up meeting one month later.

If you are truly giving 100% and still not seeing a change, then discretely look for another job on your own time. The key word here is discretely. I hope you work things out. Good Luck!

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