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Topic: Welcome to the Big Leagues Launched!
Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

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Welcome to the Big Leagues Launched!
on: April 19, 2014, 10:23

Introducing Welcome to the Big Leagues to the world on 4/12 at the LA Times Festival of Books was an incredible experience. There were more than 100,000 book lovers at the festival. It was an amazing sight to see. Now that the book is out, it will be great to start attracting new visitors to The Corporate Rookie website and this Forum.

My blog articles have been designed to help the new college grad and corporate rookie. I'll keep the posts coming. In the meantime, this Forum is the place to make requests, post feedback and pass along any comments from the book. Hopefully, readers will now feel compelled to get engaged.

I am elated with the quality of the hardcover edition of Welcome to the Big Leagues. It can be purchased from this website, as well as the few bookstores where I will be signing. The hardcover edition truly does make the perfect college graduation gift. It is also the perfect gift for summer interns. It is very important to me that this book reaches its target audience. Of course, I am quite fond of any reader. However, a lot of care went into crafting a message that will help this Millennial Generation to succeed (at a critical time where it is becoming more and more difficult to do so).

Welcome to the Big Leagues will not be a smashing overnight success story. Readers will recognize its value and positive word of mouth will help to spread the good word. The fortunate ones will find their way here on their path of becoming Empowerized.

This book is not a fad, nor is this website. The true value will come from those who become engaged, ask questions and share material to spread knowledge. As a new entrant to the business world, you will face many challenges and pressures. Parents, friends and relatives may all have advice, but their wisdom is not guaranteed to help you. The best step that anyone can take is to perform their own due diligence. This site will post the articles, links and materials to help you do just that.

Your problems, successes, hits and misses are no different than any of ours. Share your stories and let others know what has worked for you. I certainly have in Welcome to the Big Leagues.

Speak to you again real soon,


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