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Topic: Depression & Suicide
Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

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Depression & Suicide
on: November 11, 2014, 08:21

In Welcome to the Big Leagues, I write about the tragedy of losing a younger friend of mine to suicide. This was an incredibly sad experience that will always be with me. The most difficult part for me to cope with was that fact that I had no idea my friend was depressed. How could I have no clue? I pride myself on possessing the keen ability to empathize with, if not read other people. Especially those closest to me … So, I thought.

Living through this traumatic experience pushed me to write Welcome to the Big Leagues in an unorthodox way and build this Forum. In my book, I cover all of the key areas of well being; which includes Mental. I talk more about losing my friend, as well as the loss of my mother. Equally as important is the fact that I've worked with many in corporate America who needed anti-depressants to survive the workload and environment.

I do not want to see another hopeful rookie turn this way! Everything in my book and The Corporate Rookie website was designed to help readers live with more purpose by identifying their core values and sticking to them. After that's established we focus on winning, with a strategy on how to prevail in each of the 5 key areas that make-up our well being, because when the wheels fall off in just one area everything suffers. People get depressed or commit suicide because of debt, relationships, career and many other causes. The road to depression has a million paths. Welcome to the Big Leagues is written from the brain with topnotch tips on how to follow an all-star career path, but it is also written from the heart. I share these traumatic experiences and expose myself with the hope that I can help others to avoid making the wrong decision or turn in life.

Please know how lucky we are to be alive here on this beautiful planet. Don't let your time go to waste or your life go unfulfilled. We are here for a reason. There will always be events that bring us down. However, there are plenty of good people in the world to help us get back up and shine when we need it most. I encourage you to share your story or what's on your mind here and let's help all readers to never take another moment for granted.

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