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Topic: How do I make an impression at work?
Posts: 1

Reputation: 0
How do I make an impression at work?
on: September 26, 2014, 15:29

I am a new hire at my company, I just graduated in May, and was fortunate enough to get hired two months later. Any advice on the best way for me to get noticed?

Carmine Del Sordi
Posts: 17

Reputation: 0
Re: How do I make an impression at work?
on: September 26, 2014, 17:41

Hi Richard. Thanks for the message and congratulations on finding a job in such of a short amount of time. I can tell from your comment that you haven't read my book, Welcome to the Big Leagues, as it was designed to help you perform and take your career wherever you want it to go.

There's no doubt that new entrants to the business world suffer from the need of immediate gratification. I've already beaten this topic to death! Careers span through 40 years and do not consist of one climatic moment after the next. The reality is that promotions are few and far between. Please see this attached testimonial from a veteran who shared his thoughts on rookies in the express lane …

For now, your primary focus should be on learning all of the responsibilities of your current job functions and then on becoming a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Be sure to have one-to-one's with your boss and always ask for feedback. Use your time productively to learn as much as you possibly can about your role and the department in general. Keep a very positive attitude and engage in meetings. This will always get you noticed. However, your participation needs to be done tactfully, as nobody likes a show-off.

Prove to your boss and colleagues that you are a person of integrity and that you know how to get the job done. Do what you say and say what you do. Nobody will ever be able to take away positive results. The more accomplishments under your belt, the more exposure you will get.

Exercise patience and hopefully your preparation will coincide with the next big opportunity. Good luck and read Welcome to the Big Leagues, seriously, everything in it will help you.

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